Wish You Were Here

Comic 26
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Icon Contest Results Preview

Icon Contest Results!

As you may or may not have already noticed, all our social media icons have changed. This is because the icon contest has officially concluded! Everyone who participated did such an amazing job and should be super proud...

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Icon Contest Preview

Icon Contest!

Greetings! We've had our discord server and social media icons for well over a year and still have no idea who originally drew it, as such we've decided to liven things up a bit and give you all a chance to take part in...

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Important Update Preview

Important Update!

Hello! It's been a while and page 18 hasn't been uploaded yet. This is because something happened at the last minute which required us to start the page from scratch. As compensation for the unexpected delay, we will...

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Production Update Icon

Production Update!

Hello! You may (or may not) have noticed that it's been around two months since we've released the last page of the comic so far. The reason because of this is that the team has been incredibly busy with other things and...

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Site designed by @pink2004luigi